Saturday, March 13, 2010

First official workout

Got my first official West Side workout today. Words to describe it? Engaging. Enlightened. Fun. Not....without pain. The good kind though of course. :-)

8000 yards total with fun distance sets intertwined with speedplay sets to make your head spin.

I've been on a hiatus due to some health issues, but I'm back now.

4 more weeks until Raleigh Triangle Swim.

Friday, March 5, 2010

playing hooky on Saturday....

No Saturday practice for me this week due to all important snowboarding!!!

Really I consider it cross training for the body and very important training for the mind.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

20 Perfect Pushups!

Wednesday Highlights:
Executed 20 Perfect Pushups in a pre-practice dryland session. After three times doing pushups, there is some improvement! I've also added F&M-style abs into the mix for a total of 20 minutes of dryland (12 minutes of abs, 8 minute pushup set)
Swam with Cambridge Multi-Sport....600 warmup DPS, 8x50s 25 head lead balance dril 25 FR, 8x75 50 drill, 25 swim (actually this was single arm but i HATE single arm. HATE.)
Main set: 4x125s on 1:50 (but I decided to do 150s and said I will do my best to make the time, ended up making 2:00 with 5-10 sec rest), 4x100 on 1:30 fast, 4x75 on 1:25 REALLY fast.
When I started the workout even though it was going well I was feeling a little asthma trouble, I did my best to focus on good DPS and did well until the 75s...which I held back still and didn't go really fast. Even so I had to get out then.

It is always a hard decision when asthma strikes during a workout. It is even harder when you are an adult swimmer with goals because you have to make and be responsible for all of your decisions. You are still stuck there, feeling the sweat drying to your cooling skin, watching everyone enjoy the workout that you are missing out on, wondering if the best thing to do is to continue or to go home. It is difficult to think rationally because you have too many emotions in the way. What would happen if you keep swimming? What would happen if you don't? And all this is going on in your mind while you feel your ribs sucking your lungs away from your swimsuit and in towards your body.

No wonder I pushed myself too hard in college.

Anyway, I made the right choice tonight....still got about 4,000 in and it was all good quality. I am not happy that I had to leave half an hour early but now I am old enough to realize what happens, and that this can mean more swimming in the long run.

And I got in my 20 perfect pushups.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday workout

Felt real tired today. Monday. Took awhile to warmup, I felt good by the time I got to 4x100s. Those were all 1:15 (I think the last was 1:17) and I did them at 59, 60, 60, 61. To count the main set easier because I can't count past 100 ;-) I counted each lap and the number of times I counted 16 instead of 14 or 15. Number one I was all 15 instead of 6, number 2 I had about 10 6s, number 3 I had maybe 15 6s (but that was still really about the average, maybe a little over) then number 4 I thought I'd go over and I did it with paddles and they were all 14-15.
The set was honestly harder than I thought it was after the first 800...just holding that stroke count. I thought it would be easy because it wasn't necissarily fast but it was just constant staying on your stroke count that made it hard...and I kinda went a little fast just by staying on my stroke count, with a LOT less effort too.
So overall, good...but really enjoyed my chocolate chip pancakes afterwards!!!!
8 x 100 kick
#1 – 75 ez/25 fast – :05r
#2 – 50 ez/50 fast – :05r
#3 – 25 ez/75 fast – :05r
#4 – max – :15r
#5 – 75 ez/25 fast on #4 time +:10
#6 – 50 ez/50 fast on #4 time + :05
#7 – 25 ez/75 fast on #4 time
#8 – max – beat #4 time
8 x 100 free
same pattern as the kick
8 x 100 fly
same pattern as the kick

Set 1-
4 x 100 – :10r – all @ 90% – get average stroke count (asc) for the 100’s

4 x 800 – goal is to hit asc*8 for each 800 (ex. if your asc is 80 then you will want to hit 640 for your 800 stroke count at 90%) – they are on 1:00r
Lane 8 folks…you do 4 x 600 and your goal is asc*6

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Pushups are Hard

Pushups @2, got to just 16 again on the last time through it was a struggle. But I did it. :-)

I like bench press better. Except I can do this whenever.

Saturday/Sunday workout

Yesterday I swam with CAST (Coastal Aquatics Swim Team), the US team that I assistant coached for last year before I had to go leave and be a teacher. I have coached a few times this year when everyone was away at meets, but then everyone was away at meets and I only got to see a few people. It was wonderful to see everyone again! I had a great workout, I swam with one of the senior 400 IMers that isn't tapering like everyone else....he did everything IM and I did everything free....the main set revolving around 100s he descended to times I couldn't hold and I stayed on the first set of times. Everything else I kept up. It was an awesome practice, about 9000 in 3 hours. The last set was only 12x100 on a lot of time because of their nature though so that scewed the timing.

Today I had less time to swim and did an altered West Side practice from January 30. The workout was supposed to be 11,000 and I did 5,000. Only a little difference, hmm? But it was still a good workout.

FR on 4:30 (4:15)
FR 50/desc 50/build
FR on 4:15 (3:55)

1x400 FR max (focused on stroke count than max this early tho) on 6:15
2x100 IM (i added in drill for this)
400s: 5:05, stroke count steady at 14/15 (a few 16s at the end of the first one but not the second)

2X1000 1-paddles and snorkle (had to take snorkle off stuffy) 2-500 bp 3/5/7/9 400 build 100 ez

300 cool down

Swim tomorrow, run tues, then Coach Nate will be back and see what I've done and give me some workouts for the rest of the week!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

early season freestyle video

Rebecca took this video at the end of the workout yesterday (see comments on the workout below). She actually took three but the others didn't turn out. I am going to take more this weekend.